April 11, 2024: GWBME was nominated for Tony Diggs Excellence Award in two categories: Excellence in Civic Engagement and Excellence in Community Building.
March 22, 2024: A group of GWBME members volunteered as judges for the Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair.
October 7, 2023: GWBME participated in She Engineers at The Works Museum. Activities included Q&A about research images and an activity prompting kids to share what they would study if they were biomedical engineers.
August 12, 2023: GWBME members hosted a booth at the Midtown Market Farmer's Market in St. Paul.
April 20, 2023: Sandra S. presents her research at the GWBME Osher Lifelong Learning Institute course.
February 16, 2022: Microscopy Lunch 'n Learn with Zeiss Microscopy
December 7, 2022: Graham Cracker House Decorating at the December Brown Bag Lunch
October 22, 2022: Booth at Midtown Market Farmer's Market